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Ravi Summan • December 18, 2020

Welcome to the December newsletter of Ravi Summan Wellness

It’s definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And as we start to wind down for the year, I can’t help but reflect on what a year it has been!

When the pandemic first hit, it felt so surreal and like something out of a movie, and now here we are 10 months later, adapting, changing, adjusting our mindsets.

While we have all experienced change like no other, at times like this, it also provides a rare opportunity to take a step back from the daily to do list of getting your work done to look at your vision and purpose in life. From my corporate career of over 20 years in technology and business, I had thought a lot about my purpose in life and made career changes in 2019.

My mindset is and has been a huge driver in all the things I’ve achieved in my personal and professional life and in my training. Over the years I have formulated my rules for success, which I wanted to share with you this month.

We don’t know what next year will bring; we can only hope for positivity and a ‘new normal’ but if we consistently strive to be better for ourselves, we can be better for the world around us.

Presenting health and wellness content on national television in the UK

I have been fortunate to have had interesting interviews with wellness practitioners covering different areas of expertise from chiropractors, food intolerance researchers to Directors and Co-Founders of mental health organisations. From December 2020 onwards, you can see these interviews on the Sikh Channel.

In December tune in to watch the Founder, CEO of My Earthy Life - Parminder Singh Dhillon - share what makes Ayurveda different to modern medicine and the value it can add to your life. He discusses how an Ayurveda lifestyle optimises the functions and wellbeing of your body. Parminder also talks about how it has exponentially optimised his wellbeing.

Interview with Sandeep Saib (Happy Heads Mental Health Co-Director)

During the last two years especially, mental health problems and the need to encourage everyone from all ethnicities and backgrounds to be open about discussing this has led to more from the South Asian community sharing their stories. I was fortunate to have had Sandeep Saib share her very emotional and heart felt experience of her mental health battles with Anorexia Nervosa, Body Dysmorphic Disorder - BDD and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - OCD.

Despite Sandeep’s suffering from mental health in the years from 2012 to 2016, she has shown great courage and strength to battle these major challenges. During her cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) sessions with psychologists and therapists, she has created time to fulfil her duties as a committee member and champion at voluntary organisations in mental health and help others in the UK and on an international scale.

Sandeep is also the Co-Founder of Happy Heads, a mental health voluntary organisation.

If you would like to find out more about how Sandeep is fulfilling her commitment to help people achieve better health and have harmony with their mind, please share your feedback with me and contact Sandeep direct at:

You can also contact Sandeep via her social media links below:




Personal Blog

Becoming international ambassador for My Earthy Life

Parminder Singh Dhillon, Founder and CEO of My Earthy Life shares his thoughts on the long-term collaboration with Ravi Summan:

‘My Earthy Life is delighted to welcome Ravi Summan as its International Brand Ambassador where our loyal customer base will be able to call upon Ravi’s in-depth expertise as a fitness, strength and conditioning coach. 

As we launch our organic and natural vitamin and herbal supplements across the UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia, we’ll be looking at Ravi to promote our strength supplements. I used to work out in the same gym as Ravi 20 years ago and when we reconnected 2 decades on,  I was delighted to learn of Ravi’s media profile on a leading faith-based channel with a worldwide audience on TV and internet. As a result, he will be spearheading My Earthy Life TV which will be focussing on interviewing the leading athletes, fitness professionals, pioneers in nutrition, yoga, Ayurveda and many more disciplines which contribute to the Science of Wellbeing.

We’re excited to be working with Ravi and look forward to making his pioneering thinking across the disciplines of fitness, strength and conditioning accessible to My Earthy Life’s global audience.’

Becoming a committee member of Punjabi Chamber of Commerce

The Punjabi Chamber of Commerce (‘Punjabi Chamber’) is a non-profit group that is committed to bring together the global Indian Punjabi community through commerce and cooperation. It is the world’s first organisation focused on serving the needs of Indian Punjabi businesses and professionals. As my heritage is the Punjab, India it brings me pleasure to stay connected with my community and collaborate with other businesses and professionals globally.

Mental health is one of the subjects that will be covered in the forthcoming webinars of the London region or London Chapter of the Punjabi Chamber of Commerce (PCC). I will share further details with you soon and news of forthcoming events and webinars.

Goal setting – What are Your Goals for 2021 and beyond?

This is the time of the year where you will hear in the workplace and when you are with families, discussion about New Year resolutions and what are you going to do differently in 2021.

It is imperative that while friends, family and colleagues at work will all have a view about your skills and breadth of capabilities, remember only you know yourself better than anyone. You have full right and freedom to dream and no one can take that away from you, always remember that.


Set goals and take action

Said many times before and written countlessly in literature on leadership and personal development – ‘Life is a creation process’. 

Since childhood I have always been ambitious and had goals which revolved around sport and fulfilling my athletic potential. 

The process of setting goals requires deep thought within yourself and only you can do this. This should not be rushed as we must gain value from the time we invest in ourselves. After working in the corporate world for 20 years, my goal was to use my experience in health and fitness to help individuals to live a healthier life and fulfil their potential.

When I set goals and visualised achieving them, I would speak to my mentors in business and sports to get a different perspective. This helps and a mentor can be someone in your professional life or other field who sees the potential in you and is happy to share their experience to help you succeed.

No goal is too big.

Allow yourself to dream and this passion will provide the fuel to take action and make the dream a reality.

Believe in yourself and follow your purpose in life

Life is a precious blessing which cannot be bought or replaced. During my teenage years, I naturally began to think more about my future and the experience of training in Goju – Kai karate certainly instilled discipline and involved training my mind too.  As a teenager, I would often ask myself: ‘What is the purpose of my life?’ ‘What do I want to do in my life?’

When you set goals and have a vision, follow it through. Ask yourself: ‘What do you want to do with your life? What would you like to be remembered for?’ 

Looking back at my life, the fear of failure in taking risks during my career in my 20s had prevented me from achieving more. However, when I began to take calculated risks in my 30s in my career choices, that is when I grew more as a person.

I can say hand on heart, the moment you learn to embrace failure and dare to dream, your life will change for the better. There is nothing wrong with trying and giving it your best. Each time I struggled with personal and health challenges in my life, it made me more determined.

You will hear those that have known you throughout your life say it cannot be done.

Never let this get you down and always believe in yourself.

Always remember you have the free will to transform your health and life.

Work hard and be disciplined

I believe discipline is one of the foundations of strength and can make all the difference when there are obstacles you have to overcome.

When I was asked in a live national tv interview during the Morning Breakfast Show on The Sikh Channel about how to make time to train, my response was: “There are 24 hours in a day. It is up to you how you spend it”. Time constraints for people are different and especially challenging for those with children, family and work commitments.

In having a defined goal, training plan and nutrition programme, it brings structure in your life to help you carry out the training each week. It is always better to do some exercise each week than none. Even on the training days where you feel you do not have as much energy or strength due to pressures of life, some level of training can help you release stress and pressure on our already busy lives.

To begin the journey of transforming your health, body and developing your mind requires total commitment.

It is normal to feel down when you may not expect results as quick as you want, always remember personal development is a process and when you make the first step, consistency will lead to success.

Stay away from negative energy

Throughout my life and journey of health, I was told more many times by people who have known me that I was not capable of achieving goals in sports and the media industry. Their feedback was: ‘Ravi, you are too old for this and focus on what you are good at’. Some of these people also felt the level of competition and my skills being suitable for a corporate career meant they did not see me being a big success in sports or media. However, that did not stop me and only reinforced the faith in myself.

Do not let anyone – whether they are a stranger, friend or in your family influence you in feeling you are not capable of achieving a goal or a dream.

It does not matter how unrealistic or unachievable your goal or dream is to others. When anyone says it cannot be done, ignore it. 

One of my favourite sayings is from the Nobel peace prize winner, Nelson Mandela. He said: ‘It always seems impossible until someone does it’.

There is nothing wrong with having time to yourself. It does not make you selfish and making changes in your life takes courage which you are capable of. With positive and negative forces surrounding us all the time, remember your vision.

Be compassionate and give back to humanity and the world

While I am an advocate on taking action to achieve your goals, I have been blessed to have parents who were involved in helping the community and the poor. My dear Father is one of the Founders of the Education Aid Society, a charity that was set up whose mission is to help educate the students in Punjab, India who are from lower income families.

Throughout my childhood to adult years, I have experienced the great feeling of seeing the positive impact this charity has made to the young students in India. This encouraged me to also get involved with the charity and to look at ways how I can make a positive impact on humanity.

My love for sports, health and personal development led to volunteering to produce content with doctors and health practitioners for ethnic communities on a range of health matters.

It is important to leave a positive legacy on the world as our material gifts and career accomplishments will not go with us when we leave our physical bodies.

However, the charitable work we get involved in and making a difference to a life will be remembered.


“You and only you own your dreams, and it is up to you to create the life you want to live.”

Find out more about my journey here:

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